Want to discover your strengths & areas you can improve to take your business to the next level? Then you need the leading behavioural profiling tool used by more than 40 million people. DISC® is non-judgemental and will help you and your team members discuss behavioural differences by arming them with the knowledge on how to effectively communicating with each other. Which is your captain? D = Are you a visual person, outcome driven, focused and impatient? Do you want to win, move fast, decisive and like to be in control? I = Are you fast paced, big picture focused, a joker, focused on relationships, extroverted, easily excited, talkative, social, positive, influential, people-orientated & spontaneous? S = Are you reserved, calm, helpful, eager to help, patient, loyal and trustworthy? Do you consider others before your own needs and sit on the fence? C = Are you precise, logical, analytical, careful, introverted, quiet and pessimistic? Do you focus on details, proceed cautiously and produce high quality work? The above is a very brief overview on the 4 energy types – Dominant, Influencer, Stabiliser & Compliant. We all have a captain energy that is more dominant than the others. Many people have at least 2 energy types but we can learn to tap into the others when required. For example, if you’re a leader of a team you need the ability to tap into the leadership skills that a Dominant energy type has. Alternatively, if you’re running a workshop / MC at an event you need to be a joker & use humour therefore tapping into the Influencer energy. If you’re looking after a sick family member you need to tap into the Stabiliser energy. Alternatively, if you’re working on the accounts side of your business that requires data entry & concentration you need to tap into the Compliant energy.
I’m a certified Extended DISC® Trainer & Consultant so when you work with me you and your team members can have an Extended DISC® profile & report. The Extended DISC® System measures the unconscious behaviour (this is how a person normally behaves in their natural state) and compares it with the conscious adjusted behavioural style (this is how a person behaves in their work environment/is perceived). Extended DISC® recognises some 160 different styles while other programs only recognises four styles. Even Myers-Briggs, one of the best known assessment systems around, recognizes only 16 different styles. This makes Extended DISC a more accurate and powerful profiling tool to give the information you need to help you make the right decisions in your business and life. 'Powerful communication between people plays a critical role in a company's bottom line. Without it you're toast!' Another key distinction is it measures emotions being communicated by the respondent at the time of completion of the questionnaire, such as stress levels, uncertainty of his/her role, insecurity, frustration, pressure to change etc. Extended DISC® is a valuable tool and should be used as part of your recruitment process as well as training and development of existing employees. The in depth insights you discover from each employees report will assist in understanding if they are happy in their current role or in need of a new challenge which in turn saves you money and improves the wellbeing of team members. Once you understand what your captain energy is as well as your employees you can learn to enhance it whilst tapping into the other energies when required. By booking a wellbeing & DISC® consultation with me you have nothing to lose & everything to gain!
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When you fly on an aeroplane, the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others. Why is this an important rule for ensuring survival? Because if you run out of oxygen, you can’t help anyone else with their oxygen mask. This is an important metaphor for those of you who run around taking care of everything and everyone else except yourself. Time and time again I hear women say they feel selfish for having alone time. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can experience burnout, stress, fatigue, reduced mental effectiveness, health problems, anxiety, frustration, inability to sleep and the list goes on… Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? You are a teacher, helper, advisor and caregiver all wrapped up into one. You take care of your loved ones and help them with their life. What about your life? It’s time to let go of the guilt and the excuses! Follow these simple yet vital tips: General
Remember, it isn’t selfish to take care of yourself, it’s necessary!
It's so important to schedule this time into your calendar - make it a daily or even weekly routine. Love yourself inside & out. You will be able to give so much more back. When you fly on an aeroplane, the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others. Why is this an important rule for ensuring survival? Because if you run out of oxygen, you can’t help anyone else with their oxygen mask. This is an important metaphor for those of you who run around taking care of everything and everyone else except yourself. |